Silicon Valley International School experienced a year of successes during the 2022-2023 academic year.

INTL's community of parents, students, faculty, and staff rallied together to make it a great year through school gatherings, volunteering, and fundraising.

INTL is deeply grateful to all the donors, volunteers, and supporters who made these achievements possible.

Annual Fund


More than 60 parent and teacher volunteers took on the responsibility of peer-to-peer fundraising in their child’s class. Being an Annual Fund Champion is one of the more challenging volunteering roles, and most rewarding.


The Annual Fund campaign started September 9, 2022, and finished on June 30, 2023. 396 donors gave to the maximum of their ability.
To see the full campaign and the complete list of donors:

Soirée du Vin Wine Auction

Each year, Silicon Valley International School hosts Soirée du Vin, an elegant wine auction celebrating fine wine and great company, and raises funds for the school’s Charlotte de Géry Endowment Fund.

The 2022 installment of Soirée du Vin brought in 110 attendees and a whopping 29 auction lots. The wine-tasting hour was phenomenal, the gourmet wine-paired dinner was delicious, and the live auction was nothing short of electrifying!

A special thank-you goes to the 2022 speaker Dylan Stine from Domaine Dardagny INC. 

To read more about the 17th Annual Soirée du Vin, visit the event blog.


Thank You for an Amazing and Record-Setting Soirée du Vin!

As a whole, Soirée du Vin this year was a great success. This event showcased that INTL has an incredibly tight-knit and well-bonded community that is fervently passionate about two things, wine and education. Thank you to everyone for supporting our school and coming to Soirée du Vin, and for those that couldn’t make it, we look forward to seeing you there next year for another magnificent evening!


One of the most memorable highlights of this year’s Soirée du Vin was the amount of funds that was given back to the INTL community.

The live auction raised $99,883 for INTL's Charlotte de Géry Endowment Fund which will go towards ensuring that INTL is able to continue its mission of academic excellence indefinitely. On top of that, a gracious $33,101 was raised by the eventgoers alone for Fund-the-Future.

Annual Gala + Auction


The 2023 Annual Gala and Auction's theme was Let’s Have a Ball! The audience enjoyed Latin-inspired cocktail hour, dance performances, as well as a theme-inspired meal.

This year’s Gala could not have happened without the support of this year’s Co-Chairs Carol Cunningham and Tate Cohn, who took to the stage with their own perspectives on what they value about INTL. This year represented an important milestone for INTL, with our two co-chairs bringing together the wisdom of an alumni parent with the fresh activity of a current parent.

A trio of delightful performances representing three styles of dance from three INTL communities, included a performance from INTL parents Benjamin Chui and Jess Kao as they rocked the dance floor with a sizzling Salsa, followed by a breathtaking Argentine-style Tango performed by Kristina Mola & Yuriy Kuvshynov from our Gala partner Areté Dance Center. The evening’s entertainment finished with a dazzling Rumba from INTL student Isabella M. and her dance partner, Dylan C.



The greatest victory of the night was the overwhelming financial support for this year’s Fund-A-Need. Within minutes of the opening bid, over $160,000 was raised to support our teachers with continued education about the realm of neuroscientific research in child brain development.


With the help of generous donors, bidders, and volunteers, the event raised $102,533, plus an additional $170,000 for Fund-a-Need. 
Read more in the Gala & Auction blog.



Ellick B. 
Tony C. 
Carla C. 
Patricia C. 
Cindy F-I
Barbara G. 
Albert L. 
Jasmin L. 
Sujata N.
Jeremy L. 
Matt M.
59 Donors this year, $231,017 increase this year
Total Value: $7,845,596 (as of June 30, 2023) 

Supports Faculty, Technology, and Environmental Programs. Named after our school’s founder, the Charlotte de Géry Endowment Fund is dedicated towards her vision for the bilingual and bicultural student of the 21st century. Contributions to the Charlotte de Géry Endowment Fund are unrestricted funds and are used to build a strong financial foundation for our school.
19 Donors this year. $58,623 increase this year.
Total Value: $549,762 (as of June 30, 2023) 

Provides financial assistance to families. Financial Aid Endowment will support our Financial Aid pool, which will help families who would otherwise not be able to pay the full cost of their children’s education.

All 8th and 12th grade departing families are asked to give to this fund, in lieu of the Annual Fund.
Total Value: $123,636 (as of June 30, 2023) 

Provides financial awards to select students who meet stipulated criteria. The Opportunity Scholarship will be awarded to a new student entering INTL’s Early Years Center who would otherwise be financially unable to receive a bilingual education. Once awarded, the Opportunity Scholarship will follow the child through their time at INTL, as long as there is a need. This long-term investment will not only change the life of a student, who would otherwise not have the resources to earn a bilingual education, but also the student’s family, and the INTL community. 

Contributions to the Opportunity Scholarship Endowment are restricted funds and are used only for scholarship opportunities for INTL students.
1 Donor this year. $2,000 increase this year.
Total Value: $85,727 (as of June 30, 2023) 

Provides for Visual and Performing Arts. While other schools are cutting their arts programs, we wish to continue to provide our students with the opportunity to look inward and express themselves through creative avenues. Contributions to the Arts Endowment are restricted funds and are used only to enhance the arts education program of INTL students.
Total Value: $161,913 (as of June 30, 2023)

The Arthur B. Francis Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in loving memory of alumni parent Sabrina H.’s father, Arthur. Sabrina’s family established the scholarship fund in 2013 to assist in the retention of current INTL students from elementary into middle school. Arthur’s belief of cultural immersion continues to live on by supporting one student each year.
The Finance Committee of the Board of Directors approved the release of earnings from the School's Endowment Funds supporting the Arts, Financial Aid, and Operations of the School.  

The amount released was approximately $374,772.

This year's recipient is Toshani B.

Alumni Rising Star Award

Maia Chamberlain is the recipient of the 2023 INTL Rising Star Alumni Award, honoring alumni who have made significant contributions within their chosen profession, including volunteer activities in service to a community or to the public at large.

Read more about Maia and how a bilingual education shaped her impressive career here.

With Appreciation

Thank you so much to all our wonderful volunteers. Our school volunteers are always there to support INTL - and our school would not be as vibrant without your hard work and kindness. 

All the faculty, staff, and students thank you for your dedication, time, and commitment!

Financial Information*

The School continued to add to its strategic operating reserves by releasing restricted funds from its endowments and from the return of investment earnings regained from prior year losses. 

Operating expenses continued to outpace the increase in revenues primarily due to inflation.  Program expenses increased with the return of the domestic field trips and international cultural program trips, much to the joy of our students and parents alike. Despite the increase in revenues and careful watch over operational expenses, the result was another loss from operations, although much smaller than anticipated.

Compensation is our largest expense, commanding 74% of the total expenses, followed by our facilities & IT utilizing 16% of our resources.  With our mission in mind, we hire the best faculty and staff so we can deliver our rigorous programs; empowering our students to embrace complexity, think critically from multiple perspectives, and demonstrate integrity and sensitivity across cultures.

The 2022-2023 financial statements of Silicon Valley International School were audited by Armanino LLP, independent Certified Public Accountants.  Complete financial statements will be available upon request from the school’s Chief Financial Officer, Diane Morris, once the Board has reviewed and approved the audited financial statements.

*Financials have been Audited, but are awaiting Board Approval. 

Notice of Nondiscriminatory policy as to students

Silicon Valley International School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

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